Chain Formation

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Chain Formation

Stair Formation
Stair Formation

The stair formation is the formation used by the members of Sea Dojo. The formation is the simplest formation, which might be the first formation learned in creating chain. The formation shape can be seen in the above figure. In the figure, we arrange the blocks from the left to the right and launch it from the right. The same pattern can be easily extended up to right edge to get 8 chains.

Hook Formation
Hook Formation

The stair formation is the formation used by the members of Snow Dojo. The formation seems to be a bit complex compared to the stair formation, but it, in actual, is more easier and faster to construct provided you have got accustomed. The above figure shows what is the shape of the formation, which is arranged from the left to the right and launch it from the right. The same pattern can be easily extended up to right edge to get 8 chains.

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